Staff #1
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee. (Including, but not limited to: Career related activities, publications, civic activities, honors, awards, and etc.)
Staff #1 may be one of the most recognizable academic figures in the Delaware County educational community. She is respected and admired for her decades of service to the Interboro School District. We believe Staff #1 is more than worthy of being inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Before retiring from the district in 2009, Staff #1 was Principal of Norwood School (1993-1998); Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Grs. K – 8; Principal of Kindergarten Academy (1999-2004); and Superintendent of Interboro School District (2004-2009). Before joining our school district, Staff #1 was an elementary teacher, guidance counselor, and assistant principal in the Upper Darby School District. One of the highlights of Staff #1’s many accomplishments at Interboro was the development of the full-day kindergarten program, which was recognized as one of six model sites for early childhood education across the state. Following her retirement, Staff #1 has been dedicated to non-profit work. She is passionate when volunteering and has spent an immeasurable amount of time in the following roles: Board Member, Interboro Education Foundation; President, The Family Support Center/OrganizED Giving; Board Member, Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Education Foundation; Board Member, Delaware County Literacy Council; President, Board of Directors of Family and Community Services of Delaware County; member of DKG, an international society of educators supporting women in education. Staff #1's Degrees: BA Sociology and PA Certification in Elementary Education; MA Elementary School Guidance, Villanova University; MA Secondary School Guidance Counseling, West Chester University; PA Certification – Curriculum and Instruction; PA Certification – Administration; Doctorate – Educational Leadership; Letter of Eligibility – Superintendent of Schools; eligible to hold all positions in K-12 public school education in Pennsylvania.
Staff #2
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff #2 was a teacher at Interboro high school for 35 years. Initially she taught stenography and typing but had to reinvent herself as a computer teacher during the late 90s for the remainder of her career. During her career Staff #2 accomplished the following: Department chair leading her department through its re-invention as a computer based curriculum. Taught courses at Temple university. President of her local association of Business teachers. PA Business teacher of the Year. Started a Work Study program at the suggestion of the administration and went back to Temple to take courses to make sure she knew the rules and regulations of the state for such a program. Started the FBLA Program which was wildly successful and enabled many students to compete at the state and national level. This program produced many incredibly successful business men and women. Initiated a relationship with the Franklin Mint Credit Union. Students worked in the bank and got credit. Eventually, FMFCU installed bank branches in every high school in Delaware county, also Swarthmore College, DCCC and Widener. Interboro’s branch was first. Staff #2 initiated the entire program. Staff #2 also established the Junior Career Initiative. This landmark program enabled every junior student to explore a career of their choice and write an English paper on their experience. The papers were graded. Students then attended a day on the campus of Neumann College to listen to speakers discuss career related topics. They then had to do reports on this experience for English class. Some of the keynote speakers at this conference were “Harvy in the Morning” John Harvey, a radio personality, and Phil Martelli, motivational speaker and former Saint Joe basketball coach. Staff #2 was not only an exceptional teacher with the highest standards, she initiated many programs which had an impact not only on students but on the Interboro community. She also reinvented herself many times as her department evolved. Financial Fitness was I believe her favorite course and one which had an incredible impact on her students (and some parents.) Staff #2 is a professional with the highest standards who made an impact on students and the Interboro community. I nominate her for the Interboro HighSchool Hall of Fame.
Staff #3
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff #3 was the Home Economics teacher at Interboro Junior High/Middle Schools until her retirement. Home Economics (Family and Consumer Science) encompasses the study of culinary arts, food science, nutrition, interior design, child development, textiles, and apparel. Generations of Interboro students have benefited from her passion and enthusiasm with these practical life skills. Staff #3 is a graduate of the Ohio State University in Education. She began her teaching career in rural Ohio. She married in 1950. Married women teachers were not desired at this time in history, so she worked in industry demonstrating innovative electric products for the 1950’s household. In 1958, the Staff #3 family moved to their home in Prospect Park, PA. Staff #3 became a full-time educator for Interboro in the mid-1960s after a period of substitute teaching. Enhancing her commitment to teaching, Staff #3 was a co-sponsor of Interboro’s chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. She was chaperone at many dances, field trips, academic, music, theatre, and sporting events. She was a chapter/national member and officer of Delta Kappa Gamma. DKG is a national honor society promoting the excellence of women educators. Living and raising a family while working in the Interboro district allowed for great participation in the community. Staff #3 was a Boy Scout leader, active member of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Norwood, early member and diving judge at the Prospect Park Pool. She sold many programs at Bucs football games as a member of the Sports Booster. At Halloween, she was known to neighbors and past students as “the pretzel lady” because she would hand out fresh soft pretzels. Many of these grown Bucs would bring their own children to experience this tradition. After retiring, Staff #3 participated in PA Retired Teachers Association where locally she would deliver holiday gifts. She would meet monthly with the “Lunch Bunch” of retired Buc employees. She and her husband purchased a second home in Western Maryland where she, family (children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren) and friends gather each Summer. Staff #3’s patience and caring continues to touch the lives of so many Bucs, even at 97. Bucs: 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 4 greatgrandchildren.
Staff #4
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff couple #4 were an integral part of Interboro High School. He, a former Social Studies teacher, coached teams at the high school for several years and was the Assistant Athletic Director as well. She was a math teacher at the high school for several years and was also a coach and mentor for young teachers.
Staff #5
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff #5 was a math teacher at the high school for many years. She was considered by many to be one best math teachers at the high school. Upon retirement, Staff #5 continued to work for the district during a sub shortage as a substitute teacher.