Staff #1
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee. (Including, but not limited to: Career related activities, publications, civic activities, honors, awards, and etc.)
Staff #1 began his teaching career after graduating from East Stroudsburg University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Social Science. He also later attended Villanova University, where he earned a Master of Arts in the Teaching of Mathematics. Staff #1 was employed with the Interboro School District for over twenty years before retiring. Staff #1 taught both mathematics and computer literacy to students at the Junior and Senior High schools. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Staff #1 coached the chess team and served as the class advisor to the Interboro High School class of 1987. Staff #1 truly loved all of his students and being the class advisor was one of the greatest honors and joys of his life. He kept in touch with many of his former students over the years, including attending the 30 year class reunion. As his granddaughter, I have been deeply moved by the outpouring of love and condolences from dozens of his former students. It is remarkable and truly inspiring how many lives he touched. He believed in every one of his students and inspired them to believe in themselves.
Staff #2
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff #2 was a business teacher at Interboro High School from September 1974 until she retired in June 2010. In 1970, Staff #2 decided to pursue a career in education and started at Penn State University – graduating early in 1973. Landing a job at Interboro as a business teacher was the first of many accomplishments. Staff #2 would spend the next 35 years learning new technology and shaping young minds with enthusiasm, innovation, and persistence. Unlike other subjects, the business department had to constantly change to stay current and bring the best to Interboro’s students. Staff #2 attended seminars, workshops, and conferences to help her get the knowledge necessary to create new curriculum and classes. She developed contacts and partnerships with local businesses that allowed co-op opportunities for her students. She reactivated an expired membership with the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) organization and stayed involved with the group until her retirement. She was named the Pennsylvania Outstanding Business Educator in 1998. Most notably, Staff #2 and her colleague spearheaded the Junior Career Initiative. This program was instituted to make the students aware of career opportunities and included a career day conference at Neumann College. It also fostered collaboration with other departments at the high school. Additionally, Staff #2 partnered with the Franklin Mint Credit Union to create a student-run branch at the high school. This partnership continues today. Staff #2 is the embodiment of a true educator. She worked tirelessly to bring new opportunities and information to the students of Interboro School District every day and continues to so as a retiree. I respectfully nominate Staff #2 to join “the wall.” Staff #2 is so deserving of a spot in the Interboro Hall of Fame, and I hope that you agree and choose to honor her service and dedication to the district.
Staff #3
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff #3 is my father; he was also my teacher. Specifically I had him my senior year for Calculus, a class that was critical to me in my applications to college. Staff #3 was a long time member of the Interboro High School staff, as well as a contributing member of the community. He was active for many years at Norwood Methodist Church, including serving on the finance committee and helping with the youth group. He is also a member of Chester Masonic Lodge, again lending his service and help to the youth contingent of the lodge, called De Molay. Staff #3 helped for many years as a band booster while my brother and I both worked our way through concert, jazz and marching bands. Its easy to see his contributions in the community, and also within the school. He helped countless students through the difficult concepts of advanced mathematics, not an easy feat. He was a key component in encouraging students to further their education, always espousing the benefits of learning and the rewards it had brought to him. I watched him spend extra time with students when something didn't make sense, exhibiting a patience I won't hope to attain. He had a gentle but firm way to help guide students back onto the track when they wandered off, and an easy personality that made him approachable by everyone. He made math accessible to many people, instilling what would become a career in some way for many, including me. I watched him adopt new methods and technology over the years, with one of the first programmable calculators, and him and I learning to write code (before that was a thing) when he bought me my first computer many years ago. He convinced me that programming, and math, would unlock for me what so many other things had not; more than 20 years in IT and a Masters degree later, I guess he was right! What is harder to see is how he was a true educator, not just within the halls of Interboro, but in his church, neighborhood and at home. His ability to teach, in a true sense of the word, is unmatched by any teacher or professor I ever had or observed. Staff #3's commitment to Interboro, his students, and the community never wavered in 30 years of service, and that is why he deserves the recognition of the Interboro Hall of Fame. Thank you.
Staff #4
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
For many, Staff #4 is regarded as one of the best math teachers in Interboro High School history. In addition, to being an excellent teacher for many years, Staff #4 was also a coach and mentor to many students and teachers. Here is some information about Staff #4.
Teaching Summary
*Taught in the Interboro School District for 35 years (1977 to 2012)
*Started at Inteboro Junior High - taught 4 years until the South Avenue building was closed (8th grade math) (1977 to 1981)
*Moved to the Norwood School - taught 3 years (7th & 8th grade math) (1981 to 1984)
*Initiated the district-wide K-8 Computer Literacy Program - taught 1.5 years. Traveled between each K-8 building (a marking period at each) (1984 to 1986)
Taught every K-8 student in the district basic computer literacy on Apple llc
*Moved to Interboro HS - High School Math position - taught 26.5 years (1986 to 2012)
*Taught almost every course in the math curriculum ranging from Fundamentals of Math to Algebra II to the IMP courses to Calculus
Teaching Highlights
*Three time Graduation speaker - 2001, 2010, 2012
*Franklin Mint Credit Union "Teacher of the Year" - 2010
*Math Department Team Leader
*Instituted the American Math Contest (formally known as AHSME)
*Sponsored the Moody's Mega Math Challenge
*Created school-wide SAT PREP workshop with MaryAnn Schalleur
Coaching Summary
FOOTBALL over 20 years
*Started with Junior High 7th & 8th Football team as an assistant coach
*Eventually moved to High School varsity
*Became offenseive coordinator
*Coached at Sun Valley and Penncrest High Schools
*Returned to Interboro to coach the 9th grade football team under
GIRLS LACROSSE (around 10 years)
*Started as a High School assistant
*Served as Head Coach for four years
*Overall winning record - one playoff appearance
IEA Summary
*Served on numerous Negotations teams - salary schedule expertise
Staff #5
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff #5 was a math teacher at the high school for many years. She was considered by many to be one best math teachers at the high school. Upon retirement, Staff #5 continued to work for the district during a sub shortage as a substitute teacher.
Staff #6
Explain why you believe this individual should be inducted into the Interboro Hall of Fame. Include significant accomplishments of the nominee.
Staff couple #6 were an integral part of Interboro High School. He, a former Social Studies teacher, coached teams at the high school for several years and was the Assistant Athletic Director as well. She was a math teacher at the high school for several years and was also a coach and mentor for young teachers.