December 02, 2017
My students
My students need math manipulatives, such as a magnetic clock, magnetic animals, magnetic money, write and wipe boards and markers.
My Project
My Life Skills students learn best when they have repetitive hands-on opportunities to practice novel concepts. They have been working hard this year on learning to label, tell the value of coins as well as counting coins. This is a skill that will continue to be practiced often. The magnetic coins and magnetic boards will aid my students as they practice this skill. They have also done a great job working on the very difficult task of reading a clock and will need to continue to develop this skill throughout the school year. Using the magnetic clock will allow us to engage in whole group practice. Some students are working on math readiness skills such as sorting and matching. The magnetic animals requested in this project will allow those students to work on their matching and sorting skills. Other students are working on concepts such as place values. The magnetic place value frame will aid in the development of this skill. Using a magnetic ten frame will support whole group addition and subtraction instruction. I need to challenge my students regardless of what level of learning is best for them.
By obtaining a variety of math manipulatives, I will be able to provide my students with many different opportunities to practice vital math life skills.
I am always blown away by my students hard work and tenacity and feel the items included in this project would make a world of difference in their ability to acquire the math skills they will need throughout their lives.
My students need a megaspinner to provide vestibular input during the school day in order to maintain focus on school related tasks.
My Students
I am a special education teacher and work with students in a life skills classroom for students in third, fourth and fifth grades. My students have a variety of diagnoses and a variety of needs. These students work hard each day and have demonstrated the ability to maintain a positive attitude.
Many of my students face challenges experienced by few.
Most face these challenges head on; I am often blown away by their tenacity. I am extraordinarily lucky to spend my time with this group of students.
My Project
When students are able to regulate their sensory systems they are available to participate in positive interactions with others, focus on school related tasks and meet their educational goals. The life skills students in my school will benefit from the use of the mega spinner when they access our sensory room.
Providing a variety of sensory options allows us to help students to access their educational program as well as access and relate to their peers.
Students may require a variety of sensory diets in order to self-regulate, the mega spinner will fill the need for vestibular stimulation that our sensory room does not currently provide.
My students need 2 IPAD Minis and Protective Cases to add to our classroom technology resources for reading, writing and math instruction.
My Students
The students at my school are eager and excited for learning. They come from diverse backgrounds and it is so amazing how they accept each other openly.
For many of them, this is their first real school experience!
My students are 5 year olds starting out on an exciting adventure to school.
Our Kindergarten Center consists of 12 kindergarten classes serving over 250 little learners. They explore, play, and learn so much over the course of one short year. It is truly amazing to see them grow!
My Project
Early literacy and math exposure both in school and at home is so important to children. They foster a positive love of learning and development of important skills. We know when students are engaged in learning they become successful inside and outside the classroom.
What better way to nurture young minds then to provide them with iPad Minis and Protective Cases to use in the classroom.
The iPads will allow students to safely use technology in the classroom to explore, create, consume and curate literacy and math concepts. They will learn how to navigate and use today's technology to enhance their learning!
October 10, 2017
My students need graphing calculators to learn how to properly use technology to increase their math skills and financial literacy.
My Students
The students at my school are incredible. They come from 4 different community schools to the high school for a fresh start.
They have different ranges of mathematical knowledge but they all give me 100% everyday. They may struggle through some problems but their face lights up when they finally figure it all out; and that of course is why I love my job.
Some of our students have tough home lives so school is an escape and I do my best to make math class an enjoyable and safe environment.
At the beginning of the year I always tell them I want them to hate math a little less than they did last year. So far, our students are finally getting it, they are making connections to the real world, and understanding the basic concepts.
I absolutely love my students, with all their personalities they make each day a new and exciting adventure. I just want to give them what they deserve: a great education, a better understanding of math and technology, and a teacher who they know cares.
My Project
I teach Algebra in a high school outside of Philadelphia. My school district is Title I so a lot of my students' parents cannot afford to purchase graphing calculators which we use everyday in class. Unfortunately, the few I have left are incredibly old, some buttons are gone and the screens are cracked.
I want to provide my students with technology to help them succeed.
With your help I can give my students a new and exciting piece of technology that will most definitely have them excited to come to math class. I want to teach them not only math but financial literacy as some of them will not see it in their other courses. I truly cannot wait to see their faces light up if we can get these calculators. We are requesting 10 Graphing Calculators.
February 15, 2017
My students need a new classroom rug with more room.
My Students
Hard work and determination are characteristics these children have in spades. Everyday we work hard and we play hard.
My students are a very diverse set of learners on all different levels of cognitive ability. What they all have in common is their love of school and being apart of the classroom community. Our morning meeting at the carpet is one of my students favorite activities. We also finish out our day with a good book at the carpet.
My students are supportive of eachother strengths and differences.
They can be seen cheering eachother on during recess and in the classroom. They love a good joke and are a spirited bunch of children. Everyday they are greeted with a smile and a fist bump ( kinda my thing). We are a family and we try our best to treat each other with respect, responsibility and honesty.
My Project
My classroom experience is wholly centered around our classroom community. A new carpet would provide a new and vibrant place for student to meet. Children need a comfortable place to work, and the carpet acts as a place where some students feel more secure writing or solving math problems.
The carpet we have now is falling apart and using the broken window theory, if this carpet isn't fixed other materials in my class will start to deteriorate as well.
Students will not treat our classroom with as much respect because their meeting place is falling apart. Please help fund our new carpet!